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The third annual Walk Like MADD/MADD Dash on Sunday, September 15th was a huge success. This year registered participants nearly double to 480. Total funds raised for the event went above and beyond MADD’s $50,000…
Adler ♦ Giersch, ps was a proud sponsor and participating team of the 3rd Annual Walk Like MADD/MADD Dash event on September 15, 2013 at the Magnuson Park in Seattle. As personal injury attorneys, we…
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Summer on the waters of Washington State means getting boats out of dry dock, picturesque white sails dotting the horizon, and flotillas of vessels grouped together to celebrate our spectacular weather. However, as of July…
A 2013 study released by Oregon State University reveals that about 4 – 9% of the time, drivers making a “permitted” left turn do not look to see whether there are any pedestrians in their…
Did you happen to see footage of the meteorite that entered Earth’s atmosphere several months ago? Did you ever wonder why most of the video footage of the event originated from ordinary citizens in the…
According to a new study, state laws requiring children and teenagers to wear helmets are effective in reducing the number of deaths related to incidents involving bicycles and cars. Researchers analyzing the number of bicycle…
According to a recent report released by the Governors Highway Safety Association (GHSA), an estimated 5,000 motorcyclists lost their lives on U.S. roads in 2012. This figure is near an all-time high and represents a…
The US Department of Transportation’s National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) released survey results on April 5, 2013 showing that Americans continue to use electronic devices while driving, despite laws and evidence that such distracted…
A national safety study released in April 2013 reported that teen driver-related fatalities have dropped by almost 50% over the last six years. The number of teen passengers killed in crashes involving teen drivers fell…
I had the distinct privilege and honor to attend the monthly meeting of Washington’s Coalition to Reduce Underage Drinking (RUaD) this last Friday in Olympia. A special guest was State Rep Roger Goodman and he…