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For me, watching motorists drive in some European cities can be amazing and frightening at the same time. Drivers are not only darting in and out of narrow streets, but they do so in heavy…
It’s not like we need another reason to get and keep excess weight off, but here it is. A new study finds obese drivers are up to 80% more likely to die as a result…
If you’ve ever been in a car accident, you know how difficult your life can get. Not only you do have to deal with painful injuries, but there are all of the doctor’s appointments that…
In previous posts, we discussed the growing concern and safety issues caused by distracted driving.[1] There is another danger related to increased use cell phones and other mobile electronic devices: distracted walking.[2] According to the…
According to the Center for Disease Control[1] the percentage of high school teens who drink and drive has decreased by more than 50% since 1991.[2] Despite this positive trend, more needs to be done to…
Almost everyone is familiar with the injury term “whiplash” as a result of spinal trauma. What, however, is a facet joint injury, and what are the common treatment methods to reduce or alleviate the pain?…
Getting in a collision is scary. In addition to getting the medical care you need, often the first task (and sometimes most daunting) is dealing with the property damage loss. If your vehicle is “totaled”…
Adler Giersch ps was a sponsor and team walking in the 2nd Annual Walk Like MADD 5k. The team contributed over $2000.00 to MADD-Washington. Team Adler Giersch walked in memory of Ellen Rose Floyd. “Ellie”…
According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 4,378 pedestrians were killed in motor vehicle collision nationwide, with another 69,000 pedestrians injured in 2008. This averages out to one motor vehicle collision-related pedestrian death every…